Rebecca Fannon gave her vocational speech to the club regarding her personal life and job as Community Relations Specialist for the GPPSS.
Rebecca began by describing her family, which includes her husband, and their four sons. She attended Albion College as an English major, which allowed her to get a variety of internships and work opportunities leading her to her current position as GPPSS Community Relations Specialist, a position she has held for 17 years.
Rebecca stressed just how passionate she is about her job, and how much she loves the schools. Each day of work for her is something different, which she greatly enjoys. As Community Relations Specialist, she manages social media, is the liaison to the homeless/foster students and families in the district, manages the “School Pointes,” and a variety of other things.
Rebecca mentioned just how much her job affects her and her family’s lives, because of things like how she “can never go to Kroger without a question.” However, she is still incredibly enthusiastic about her position and made sure to emphasize just how much her job means to her.